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Frequently Asked Questions

CAPCA is a Load Capacity Predictor Model software for sustainable management, which allows municipalities to know in advance the impact on the environment, basic services, the economy and local culture that the increase in load implies. population, both in the summer and long periods.

visualizing information on future impacts and projections, municipalities can plan in an integrated manner actions in the territory. The main benefits of CAPCA are:

  • Mitigates uncertainties.
  • Facilitates the development of a preventive policy.
  • Allows comparison and co-evolution with other municipalities in the country.
  • Justifies obtaining new resources.

The entities that can use CAPCA are municipalities, municipal associations, public organizations, private companies with environmental impact, environmental NGOs, municipal corporations, ecological and biosphere reserves, among others.

If you are interested in CAPCA, contact us through contacto@capca.cl